Saturday, January 28, 2012


Photography is a huge passion of mine and I definitely plan to incorporate this into the nursery design. Dogs are my other favorite hobby, and I have three adorable subjects at my fingertips to help make this project a reality.  I plan on doing a photography wall somewhere in the nursery that will have photos of Mark and I, the dogs, and of course Baby Hill once I can get my hands on him/her. 

This morning we had a snow storm here, so I took advantage of the beautiful scenery and snapped some new photos of Baby Hill's four legged siblings that I plan to use....

Until next time...

Thursday, January 26, 2012

How NOT to Talk to a Pregnant Lady

Here are some of my favorite comments of the week to make me feel like a BIIIGGGG fatty…

1) Moron 1: “Wow Jess, your butt is getting big and pudgy!!”

The following day….

2)  Moron 2: “I think you are having a girl.”
     Me: “Why is that?”
     Moron 2: “Because your butt is getting a shelf on it.”        

And today…

3)  Moron 3: “Are you pregnant?”
     Me: “Sure am.”
     Moron 3: “That baby went straight to your butt.” 

I called each and every one of these morons out on their inappropriate comments and they all had the same response… “NOOOO, I didn’t mean it in a bad way!! You have a nice butt!!!”  Now, either I missed something in English class, or these morons are also crazy. The last time I checked, pudgy and shelf are not the words a sane person would use when trying to compliment a hormonal and emotional pregnant lady, OR ANY PERSON AT ALL for that matter!!!!!  (Moron 1 and 2 are both pregnant coworkers of mine, so I will chalk up their behavior to pregnancy brain – love you both!!!.. However, Moron 3 is a total stranger- ABSOLUTELY UNACCEPTABLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

So here is my first parenting lesson to all the morons out there... The next time you decide to comment on a pregnant woman’s body, stop and think about the words coming out of your mouth. If it would hurt your feelings to hear, it’s probably not advisable to say to others!

More importantly... Here is a pic of the 16 week bump (and my pudgy shelf butt!!)

Until next time…

Monday, January 16, 2012


Just tried to eat an apple..... it tasted like cocktail sauce.


Sunday, January 15, 2012

KKAAAA KKKAAAWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

 RAVENS WON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It wasn't pretty, but it was still a win!!!!!!! Mark and I celebrated by doing our best impressions of my favorite player Ray Lewis' pregame dance!  I can't wait to take Baby Hill to his/her first Ravens Game!!!!!!   

Date Night

Mark and I haven't left the house much in the last three months except to go to work or the grocery store.  It's hard to imagine doing anything when your best friend is your toilet and your bed.  But when Mark brought home a beautiful arrangement of flowers and asked me out on a date last night, not even a huge wave of nausea could keep from from getting dressed up and going out to a romantic and delicious dinner with the hub-a-lub!!!  We had such a great time at one of our favorite restaraunts, Gratzi!  The food was amazing and I actually ate almost every bite on my plate (and we had 4 courses!!!!).  Plus we were personally seranaded by an acordian player/singer with "Que Sera Sera." It felt like we were in Italy on our honeymoon for minute (which will now be postponed for a few years due to the arrival of Baby Hill).

15 week baby bump!

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Ultrasound and Heartbeat!

I had an ultrasound yesterday to measure baby and it was so much fun!  Baby actually looks like a baby now!!!!! And the little nugget was so active, the the technician was having trouble getting the photos and measurements she needed. It wound up taking about an hour and fifteen minutes because baby kept rolling and changing positions, and then falling asleep in a position that was no good for photos.  Mark thinks the baby was doing butterfly kick in my uterus and we have a little swimmer on our hands!  It is so amazing to me to see how quickly babies develop in the womb. Below is a progression of all of my ultrasounds from 5 weeks to almost 14! It starts out looking like a black hole in my uterus, and just 3 months later - it looks like a baby!!!!!!!!!! UNBELIEVABLE!!! The doctor said baby looks great, and we heard the heartbeat again - 155bpm and very strong and steady!! There is also a clip of that below the ultrasound photos...

Another update, I am still having lots of morning sickness and fatigue,  but yesterday after the ultrasound was the first day I actually ate real food with flavor in months.  I don't know if I am finally starting to feel better or if I was on an adrenaline high from seeing baby, but I feel GREAT right now (and really, really, really, really, really hope it lasts!!!!!) I actually ate a Caesar salad (don't worry - the dressing did not have any raw eggs in it) with blackened salmon for dinner last night - and it was so wonderful I could have cried!!!!!

5 weeks
Hellloooooooooo?? Is anybody in theeerrreeeee?? (the black hole is where the amniotic sac will be, but baby is so small at this point that you can't see him/her at all)

7 weeks/6 days
looking very much like a blob at this point....

13 weeks/5 days
Looking like an actual baby!!! Mark says baby has my nose, and he thinks he can see a little winky down by the leg...
what do you think???

13 weeks/5 days
Can you see baby waving hello???

Short clip of the heartbeat, the most beautiful sound in the world =)

coming up soon... new bump photo....

Until next time...