Friday, November 11, 2011

Week 5

Things I have learned so far....

1) My baby is the size of sesame seed.
2) My baby looks more like a tad pole than a human at this point, but is growing fast!!
3) My baby’s heart will start beating this week (although it cannot be seen on an ultrasound until 6 or 7 weeks)
4) Growing a baby is exhausting work… I am pretty sure I could sleep ANYWHERE at any time right now!!
5) My nausea is worse when I am hungry, and feels better after I eat (although this only last for about two hours!!)
6) Although I definitely don’t look pregnant yet, my pants feel a bit snug (probably from eating every two hours!!!)
7) My new favorite bed time ritual is when Mark says good night to our little nugget.
8) I think my dogs can tell something is up because they are constantly sniffing my belly.
9) I am supposed to eat 75 to 100 grams of protein A DAY!! (no problem when you eat pork at every meal!!!!)
10) I still can’t believe there is an actual human being growing in my belly!!!

Until next time....

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