Saturday, March 3, 2012

Craving of the Day

Thanks to a Family Feud game about carnival food, last night I got an unbelievable craving for funnel cake. There were no fairs in town, but that did stop me from getting my way. I looked up a recipe online and made my very own homemade funnel cake to enjoy. It was easy and DELICIOUS; plus now I have a super-cool Mom skill for when Baby Hill has sleepovers or birthday parties!!!

Until next time...


  1. It was a nice recipe and we gobbled everything down. I arrived for a couple of week visit and watched all the comimgs and goings...including the air case and the big date nights. Doggies and I bonded. I must say they are so well behaved it is a pleasure taking them on a walk. Did a bit of gardening and tried to keep up with Jess. NOT!
    Until another vist...Grandma Hill
