Sunday, April 15, 2012

Another Bed in the Bedroom!

Jessica's mother, Joyce, was nice enough to get us a "Pack N' Play". This is something the baby will use for a long time. First, it will be used as the place the baby will sleep before we transfer her to the crib. The Pack and Play is right next to our bed so that when the baby is brand new Jess can just roll over and feed the baby without much disturbance. As Baby moves on through life she will use this area as a play pen while we clean and get things done around the house. It will also be used as a travel crib when we drive and visit the family! THANKS Grandma Joyce for such a awesome and functional present!

We have set the Pack N' Play up early so that the dogs get used to it. The dog beds used to go where the Pack N' Play now sits, and we want to give them ample time to adjust to their new sleeping arrangements (on the other side of the bed). Good dogs are creatures of routine, and we don't want them to associate these big changes and stresses with the baby. We felt that if we waited to set up the bassinet area until right before we brought baby home, then they would relate the baby to stress or negative change in their lives. This way, with 12 weeks to go, by the time baby comes home the dogs will be used to everything and their new routine will be disrupted as little as possible.
Until next time...

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