Saturday, October 29, 2011


During the “trying to conceive” process, I have been monitoring my Basal Body Temperature – aka BBT - to help me monitor for ovulation.  Every morning at the exact same time (5:30 am!!) I pull a special thermometer out of my pillow case and check my temp.  BBT is the only method to officially detect that ovulation occurred.  All of the other methods can help you PREDICT that ovulation could be coming, but cannot confirm that ovulation has actually occurred.  Checking your BBT is kind of a pain in the butt, but totally worth it. In order for it be accurate, you cannot sit up, go to the bathroom, or do any major moving at all  before checking your temp. Your thermometer has to be within arm’s reach because even rolling over to grab your thermometer can alter your temp.  Hence, my thermometer living in my pillow case.  With each morning temperature you create a graph and look for the ovulation pattern on the graph.  I have found a great website - which offers online BBT charts/graphs and also provide analyzation.

Well, I definitely ovulated this month  – which is very exciting for anyone trying to conceive.  If ovulation does not occur – pregnancy does not occur. So, YEY for us!

According to my BBTs, I ovulated 7  days ago.  It does take a few days  for the fertilized egg to travel to your uterus and go through the process of implantation, or as I like to refer to it… baby burrowing.  Basically, implantation is the process of the fertilized egg attaching to and “implanting” in the uterine wall.  It is only after this process that your body begins to produce Hcg – the pregnancy hormone – and you are considered officially pregnant.  It also takes a few more days for your body to produce enough Hcg to be able to detect pregnancy on a home pregnancy test.

Now I will get to the point of this post… ALLLLLL day yesterday Iwas feeling these “twinges” in my lower abdomen…. It felt like a light pulsating pressure and cramping, which can be a sign of implantation.  It is way too early for and feels way too different from period cramps.   I am keeping my fingers crossed and hoping there is a baby burrowing in my belly!!!

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