Thursday, December 29, 2011

Small Scare

Right now I am a little over 12 weeks along...

and I had a little scare last night.....

While walking my dogs after work, I slipped and fell on some ice.  It was dark out and hard to see the icy patches, so no more walking the dogs at night for me!! As I fell, I felt a strong pulling sensation in my lower abdomen, which continued after the fall and had me totally freaking out! I called the on call OB-GYN and was told to go to the hospital for evaluation just to make sure baby was doing ok.

It actually turned into a cool experience because I got to hear baby’s heart beat – a whopping 162 beats per minute. While the midwife was listening there were some distorted sounds coming through on the Doppler and she told me “This is the baby kicking,” “This is the baby rolling around.”  She said I should start feeling all of these sensation in another month when I am about 16 weeks along.  It was also funny because it seemed like baby was playing hide and seek with us. Every time she found the heartbeat, it would only last for about 5-10 seconds and then disappear. She would find it again in a totally different part of my abdomen.  She said “Your baby is already being naughty! Looks like you are going to have your hands full!!!” So, although I can’t feel it yet – I seem to have a VERY ACTIVE nugget in there. This should be fun when I’m further along and can really feel the kicks and squirming that was going on last night!!!!

The midwife told me that the pulling sensation I felt was likely a ligament attached to my uterus stretching, and should be fine. She also thought everything would be fine with baby as the heartbeat was strong and baby was active.  Obviously, I got a whole list of things to call back for, like bleeding or leaking fluid, but so far so good!!

So other than being sore and tired today, everything seems to be back to normal (including my ever persistent nausea!!!!!!).

Until next time...

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Week 10 and the First Bump Photo!!!

Mark and I celebrated by taking the little nugget to see the National Tour of Wicked.  It was amazing (Plus it cured my nausea for a while – if only I could go see Wicked every night!!!). I was definitely getting excited and teary eyed thinking about Mark and I bringing our child to the theater and sharing this love with him/her.  I grew up acting, and going to see live musicals was literally my favorite thing to do.  I was fortunate enough to have a supportive family who were constantly carting me around to play practice, performances, and forking out some serious dough so that I could see shows as often as I wanted to.  I can’t wait to do this with my own little nugget. 

This that are happening this week...

1)  Baby is now a fetus (instead of an embryo) because are of the major internal organs are formed and starting to function.
2)  Baby is the size of a prune.
3)  My all day every Day sickness still comes and goes, but it definitely seems to be getting better.  I learned that this normal happens around this week because the baby’s placenta is fully formed and has taken over hormone production for the baby giving me a MUCH needed break. YEY YEY YEY YEY
4)  Baby has formed arms and legs, and they are approximately the size of this number 1.
5)  None of my pants fit (YEY for belly bands to help hold my unbuttoned and unzipped pants up!!!) and I am going maternity clothes shopping this weekend.
6)  Baby’s brain is producing approximately 25,000 new neurons a minute this week.
7)  I am continuing to have RIDICULOUS, CRAZY dreams..  I’ll be posting some of my favorites in the near future.
8)  I am still tired all the time.  I am pretty sure I could sleep, anywhere, at any time, in any position.
9)  My face looks like a pepperoni pizza and foundation – which I have NEVER used before – is my new best friend.
10) People who don’t know are starting to question if I am pregnant.

Until next time....

Friday, December 9, 2011

Christmas Came Early

Yesterday was the first day in weeks that I did not throw up once. Of course, I'm back to my usual nauseated and sick self today... but I got to see the light at the end of this long tunnel, even if it was just a glimpse... looking forward to when I feel good every day!!!!!!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Another Update

So,  I still haven’t felt up to doing much of anything. The Zofran works some days and other days it doesn’t. The last week has been pretty rough.  I have lost three pounds (but don’t worry – I’m still 2-3 pounds up from my starting weight so this is ok), and have barely been able to keep a drop of food or drink down.  After a particularly bad weekend, I wound up going to triage on Monday night and getting IV hydration and IV anti-nausea medication.  I felt pretty good after this, but it unfortunately only lasted about a day.   My doctor says I should start feeling better soon.   I’m about 9 ½ weeks along and your hormones are at their highest sometime between week 8 and 10, so once those pesky hormones start to calm down, I should feel better.  I CANT WAIT!!!!!!!  I haven’t felt like myself now in about 4 or 5 weeks and it is getting pretty old (but obviously totally worth it in the end).

I also have to give a major shout out to my wonderful, amazing, adoring, stupendous husband, Mark.  I literally don’t think I could do this without him.  He has really stepped up to the plate and been a huge help to me.  He has taken over cleaning the house, cooking all meals, helping with the shopping and laundry, caring for the dogs (because even the smell of their dog food makes me throw up), basically anything and everything that I can’t do right now because I’m either too tired or too nauseated to get it done.  I love you Mark and am soooooo thankful to have you!!!!

Hope to write again soon… until next time…

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

I Heart Zofran

Dear Zofran,

Just writing to say thanks for making me feel semi-normal for the first time in weeks.  I actually brushed my teeth and ate a full meal without throwing up thanks to you and your awesomeness!!!! I think this is the start of a long and deep friendship and I look forward to spending more time with you soon.

Jess and Baby Hill

Monday, November 28, 2011


Today was an awesome day. I had my first ultrasound and we SAW THE BABY'S HEARTBEAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Here is a small clip of the ultrasound... 
Yes that blob is the baby, and that flicker in the middle of the blob is our little nugget's heart beating an amazing 156 beats per minutes!!!!! Go nugget Go!!!!

Going into the ultrasound and according to my LMP I was 7 weeks and 2 days along. According to the ultrasound (based on the baby's size), I am measuring a few days ahead at 7 weeks and 6 days.  My new estmated due date is July 10, 2012

Saturday, November 26, 2011


Sorry for the lack of updates this past week...

Things are pretty much the same as week 6 right now, expect my Every Moment of Every Day Sickness has gotten worse if you can believe it!!! This has made the idea of sitting in front of a computer screen pretty unappealing but I promise to write more next week once all of my prenatal appts start!!!!

Happy Turkey (gross) Day to all!!

Until next time....

Friday, November 18, 2011

Week 6

Things I have learned so far...

1) Morning sickness should be called every moment of every day sickness....
2) and IT SUCKS!!!
3) My baby is the size of a sweet pea!
4) NO more cravings at all.. don't even say the P word in front of me; in fact its hard to think of ANYTHING that sounds appealing right now.
5) I am hot all of the time (this is the first year in my life I have been thankful for winter!!!)
6) I can tell my baby is really excited for the new Twilight movie, because I stop feeling nauseated when I see previews for it!!
7) My pants are feeling pretty darn tight at the moment...
8) They make special lolli pops for pregnant women, that are supposed to help with nausea.. I've gotta get some.. STAT!!!!
9) Mark will drive to the hospital at the drop of a hat to bring me gingerale and ramen noodles... I have the best husband EVER!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

THIS is what my baby looks like?!?!!?!

I get weekly update emails from a bunch of pregnancy websites. I got an email from today with a picture of what my little nugget looks like right now....

Almost looks like a dinosaur, or a tadpole, or my dog Max when he is sleeping.....

Until next time....

Friday, November 11, 2011

Week 5

Things I have learned so far....

1) My baby is the size of sesame seed.
2) My baby looks more like a tad pole than a human at this point, but is growing fast!!
3) My baby’s heart will start beating this week (although it cannot be seen on an ultrasound until 6 or 7 weeks)
4) Growing a baby is exhausting work… I am pretty sure I could sleep ANYWHERE at any time right now!!
5) My nausea is worse when I am hungry, and feels better after I eat (although this only last for about two hours!!)
6) Although I definitely don’t look pregnant yet, my pants feel a bit snug (probably from eating every two hours!!!)
7) My new favorite bed time ritual is when Mark says good night to our little nugget.
8) I think my dogs can tell something is up because they are constantly sniffing my belly.
9) I am supposed to eat 75 to 100 grams of protein A DAY!! (no problem when you eat pork at every meal!!!!)
10) I still can’t believe there is an actual human being growing in my belly!!!

Until next time....

Monday, November 7, 2011

Dad Tip

I am currently reading a book called "Your Pregnancy: Week by Week."  It has been very informative and Mark and I have really enjoyed learning about our growing nugget. This book has a "Dad Tip" for every week of pregnancy, and it has become a little joke of ours to find out what the Dad Tip of the week is, and then normally make fun of it.  This week's Dad Tip was to bring home flowers just because... and to my very delightful surprise, when Mark came home from work last night he had a huge bouquet of flowers in hand for me.  It was the best surprise ever, and in my very emotional state almost made me cry.  I have the best hubby and feel so blessed to be going on this journey wtih him...

Next week's Dad Tip: Vaccuum the house without her having to ask.. I can dream can't I...

Until next time..

Friday, November 4, 2011

Week 4

Things I have learned so far...

1) My baby is the size of a poppy seed!
2) My baby LOVES meat; particulary bbq pulled pork, bacon, porkchops... anything PORK!!!!!
3) Milk has never tasted better in my life.
4) Eating big meals probably is not a good idea for my tummy (although I have not had full on morning sickness yet)!
5) Seeing those two pink lines never gets old!!!
6) I never could have thought I could love (and worry about) my little nugget sooooooooo much already!!!
7) I never thought I could love Mark more... but I DO!!!!
8) I have an amazing sense of smell.
9) I can't stand sweets anymore.... no dessert for this mama!
10) I really, really, really my morning cup of coffee.... but IT IS TOTALLY WORTH IT!!!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Dream of the Week

I have been told that many pregnant women experience very vivid, wild, crazy dreams throughout pregnancy.  Well, I think I have jumped on this bandwagon early because I have been having REDICULOUS dreams all week...

So, for all long as these dreams continue I am going to post my most rediculous or favorite one of the week for your viewing pleasure.

Last night I dreamt that I was in a 1950's hotel with my Aunt Julie, and three cousins.  It started out pretty normal, until they asked me to babysit for them so they could do an activity as a family.

When I got to the hotel room where I was supposed to babysit, there two two wild Bengal tigers in the room, along with my three dogs and about 7 other adorable puppies.  Apparently, I was supposed to keep all of the dogs alive and protect the from the tigers who were very hungry.  I did my best to get all of the dogs to safety, but one of the tigers pinned down my Marley Man an started licking him all over, like he was preparing to feast.

Then I had a thought... A 50lb bag of dog food appeared in front of me at that moment.  So, I started scooping bowls of it and throwing it at the Tigers.  The one that had Marley pinned down became distracted and Marley got away!! I saved the dogs and the tigers got to eat!!! 

Needless to say, I woke up in a total frenzy because the dream seemed so real. But after a quick survey of my bedroom, there were no tigers, and all of my dogs were sound asleep by my feet.

Until next time....

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Weak Moment

I am not proud... but, today I cried over a cheese steak.  Literally.

This morning I had my pulled pork (my normal craving) packed and ready to go. But all of sudden around 10am, I had this uncontrollable craving for a cheese steak.  However, I then realized that since I have lived in Ann Arbor, MI, I have never ordered/eaten one. 

Ssssooooooo, I didn't know where I could get one to eat!  And since I don't seem to be too rational at the moment, looking at the 50 delivery menus at work never crossed my mind.

Instead,  I cried... and cried... and cried... until my coworker and friend, Heather, helped me get my life together AND get my cheese steak!!!!

Yum, Yum, Yum ... it was twelve inches of heaven and Momma and Baby are very satisfied, at least for the minute...

Until next time...

Monday, October 31, 2011

The Waiting Game

 I called the doctor this morning with the big news.  I love my GYN, now to be my OB/GYN (YEY!!!!!).  She has been my doctor since we moved to Michigan and is one of the kindest, most caring, and knowledgable MDs I have ever met.  However I learned something very surprising this morning when I called.  Most MDs, including mine, do not check blood levels of Hcg anymore when a woman finds out she is pregnant. It used to be standard practice that when someone had a positive pregnancy test, the first thing the doctor would do is order blood tests to confirm the pregnancy.  Then the blood levels would be monitored a few times to make sure the hcg was doubling appropriately - the sign of a healthy baby.  Well, i guess things have changed, and now doctors feel that home pregnancy tests are just as accurate as blood work (as long as it is not a dollar store test; exact words from my MD office), so no blood work for me. YIKES!!!

I don't know how I feel about this.  I have peed on a ba-zillion sticks and they are all posistive so I know I am pregnant.  But as of right now, other than an occasional episode of nausea, mild cramping, and sore boobs, I do not feel pregnant.  It is so weird to know that there is a human being growing in my belly at this very moment, when I can not feel it kick, see the bump, or verify it really exsists with an ultrasound.  I guess the coming weeks will be my first parental lesson in patience!!!!

I will have my first ultrasound at 10 weeks.  By that time, the baby's heart will be visible and audible, and all of the limbs and spine should be formed.  I  CAN NOT WAIT!!!!  Before that I will have a nurse visit, and will learn everything I could possible want to know and more about being pregnant.

Until next time...

Baby's First Halloween!

Mark and I were so excited to find out we were expecting over the Halloween weekend!!!!!  Since we were no longer gonig to dress up and go out, we decided to have a costume party at home starring the Baby.. aka my belly.

I went out and bought some halloween makeup and my stomach became a canvas for the CUTEST painting/costume ever, in honor of our newest addition.  Mark is an amazing artist, and I know our little nugget will have the best halloween makeup on the block for years to come.

Until next time..

Sunday, October 30, 2011



Pre-Peeing Prayer.


let there be two lines.........

Saturday, October 29, 2011


During the “trying to conceive” process, I have been monitoring my Basal Body Temperature – aka BBT - to help me monitor for ovulation.  Every morning at the exact same time (5:30 am!!) I pull a special thermometer out of my pillow case and check my temp.  BBT is the only method to officially detect that ovulation occurred.  All of the other methods can help you PREDICT that ovulation could be coming, but cannot confirm that ovulation has actually occurred.  Checking your BBT is kind of a pain in the butt, but totally worth it. In order for it be accurate, you cannot sit up, go to the bathroom, or do any major moving at all  before checking your temp. Your thermometer has to be within arm’s reach because even rolling over to grab your thermometer can alter your temp.  Hence, my thermometer living in my pillow case.  With each morning temperature you create a graph and look for the ovulation pattern on the graph.  I have found a great website - which offers online BBT charts/graphs and also provide analyzation.

Well, I definitely ovulated this month  – which is very exciting for anyone trying to conceive.  If ovulation does not occur – pregnancy does not occur. So, YEY for us!

According to my BBTs, I ovulated 7  days ago.  It does take a few days  for the fertilized egg to travel to your uterus and go through the process of implantation, or as I like to refer to it… baby burrowing.  Basically, implantation is the process of the fertilized egg attaching to and “implanting” in the uterine wall.  It is only after this process that your body begins to produce Hcg – the pregnancy hormone – and you are considered officially pregnant.  It also takes a few more days for your body to produce enough Hcg to be able to detect pregnancy on a home pregnancy test.

Now I will get to the point of this post… ALLLLLL day yesterday Iwas feeling these “twinges” in my lower abdomen…. It felt like a light pulsating pressure and cramping, which can be a sign of implantation.  It is way too early for and feels way too different from period cramps.   I am keeping my fingers crossed and hoping there is a baby burrowing in my belly!!!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011


My name is Jessica and I am a testaholic. 

I have a serious obsession with peeing on a stick.  But, after so much disappointment with 1) taking too many pregnancy tests too early, 2) not being pregnant, and 3) just constantly getting my hopes up… I PROMISED myself that this month I would not take a pregnancy test until the recommended time on the box aka…  4 MORE EXCRUCIATING DAYS.  This has proved no small feat.  I am learning a new level of self discipline and distraction, which sometimes causes me to resort to the extreme….

Top Ten Ways to Not think about/ Avoid Peeing on a Stick

10) Obsess over and edit wedding photos
9) Work on new circus tricks with my dogs
8) eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat……
7) Hide my credit cards from myself, so even if I were to break down.. I would have no means to buy a pregnancy test anyway
6) Read the entire Twilight Series in two weeks
5) Organize every closet/drawer/room in my house
4) Sleep (although, this usually results in dreaming about seeing two lines on those pesky sticks… or vampires if I have just been doing number 6 on the list)
3) Get super involved in every new primetime television series possible (my new favorite is Up all Night – HOW FITTING!!!)
2) Drink tons of water all the time so my pee would always be too dilute to take a test anyway….
1) Pee on popsicle sticks instead.

Until next time....

Saturday, October 22, 2011

The First of Many....

I have been a vegetarian for almost three years now, and lately my body has been craving meat.  Let me first define "craving."  I am not talking about an occasional thought of meat, a fleeting longing for the stuff.  I am talking about a full on obession with the idea of eating meat - dreaming about it when I sleep, drooling over it when I see other people eat it, constantly wishing I could have a steak, porkchops, chicken wings... you name it - I HAVE TO HAVE IT. These cravings have been very hard for me since I am totally against the way most farm animals are treated and slaughtered. 

As I am lucky enough to have a whole medical community at my finger tips, I talked this over with a few of the doctors/nurse practioners/nurses that I work with... and they all agree... if your body is craving meat that strongly, it is trying to tell you that you need it.  One particular Nurse Practitioner really got through to me.  She said "The body is very smart Jessica. Your body KNOWS that you are trying to make a baby, and your brain is trying to tell you that it needs meat right now and help give you that baby you want so badly."  I went home that very night and had my first porkchop in years... It was very hard, but I am not going to lie.. IT WAS SOOOOO GOOD.... and I feel better. No more awful cravings that are driving me mad and stressing me out.

 So I have come to the conclusion, that for right now at least, I need to be eating some meat.   I am going to am going to be picky about it - I am only going to eat organic, free roaming, well cared for animals.  I can always go back to being a vegetarinan after baby arrives.  But I am choosing to look at this situation as the first of many times where it is no longer about me anymore. My baby comes first, and if my body thinks I need meat for my baby, then meat it shall have.

Until next time...

My first hunk of meat in almost three years.... SHAKE N' BAKE!!!!!

Friday, October 21, 2011


Welcome to Bump On The Hill!

If you are reading this, it means that Mark and I have received the VERY exciting news that WE ARE EXPECTING!!!!!!!!! 

With our family and friends spread out across the world, Mark and I thought the best way to include everyone we love in this new/fun/scary/exciting/nerve wracking/thrilling time for us would be to create a blog to keep everyone in the loop over the next 9 months.

Here you will be able to read all kinds of updates and stories from the both of us, post your own comments/thoughts/ideas to help us along the way, and see pictures of the all-important growing bump!!   

Thank you for being a part of our journey towards parenthood. 
Until Next time....
Mark, Jess, and Baby Hill